An user polacco

 ulatuje  i
Coordinating conjunction
  chyba nie
Subordinating conjunction

La memoria fugge e le persone probabilmente non si preoccupano di ricordare.
Parole e frasi

  1. memory (ability of the brain to record information or impressions with the facility of recalling them later at will)
  2. memory (record of a thing or an event stored in the brain) [+genitive] or [+ o (locative) = of whom/what]
  3. memory (part of a computer that stores variable executable code or data (RAM) or unalterable executable code or default data (ROM))
  4. consciousness
  5. (obsolete) thought; attention; care
  6. (obsolete) mark, trace (that which is left behind so as to be remembered)
  7. (obsolete) remembering; memorizing
  8. written record of what one needs to remember
  9. A type of ring worn around one's finger.
  10. memory; Further details are uncertain.



dative plural of ludzie

chyba nie

perhaps no (delicate no; used in politely declining)


third-person singular present of zależeć


  1. creates a subordinate clause expressing desire or wish; to, so that, for that, in order to [+past tense]
  2. creates a subordinate clause in which the speaker believes the following event would be good; to, that, had better, may [+past tense]
  3. creates a subordinate clause expressing aim or purpose, one's goal; to, so that, for that, in order to [+infinitive]
  4. creates a subordinate clause expressing expressing means by which something is achieved; to, so that, for that, in order to [+past tense] or [+infinitive]
  5. creates a subordinate clause in which one states the possibility of something depends on something else; to, so that, for that, in order to [+infinitive]
  6. creates a subordinate clause expressing the speaker's position on the truthfulness of a given situation [+past tense] [+past tense], [+present tense] or [+infinitive]
  7. (colloquial) creates a subordinate clause emphasizing that the speaker thinks the contents of their statement are apt [+past tense], [+present tense] or [+infinitive]
  8. creates a subordinate clause expressing doubt; that, if [+past tense]
  9. creates a subordinate clause expressing the speakers doubt with relation to the goodness of a given event; roughly, to think that [+past tense] or [+infinitive]
  10. (colloquial) creates a subordinate clause that expresses a lack of results; for the sake of [+infinitive]
  11. creates a subordinate clause in which the speaker thinks something else should be reality rather than what truly is; so that, may; if only [+past tense]
  12. introduces a subordinate clause relating a following event with a previous one that is not caused by the first event; just to, only to [+infinitive]
  13. (colloquial) introduces a second action co-occurring with another; to [+past tense]
  14. (colloquial) creates a subordinate clause expressing consequences; or else [+past tense]


  1. to remember (to recall from one's memory; to have an image in one's memory) [+ o (locative) = about whom/what]
  2. to remember (to keep in mind; to be mindful of) [+ o (locative) = about whom/what]
  3. to remember (to not forget (to do something required)) [+infinitive = to do what]
  4. to remember; to not forget (to not forgive; to keep in mind someone's wrongdoing even if it happened some time ago) [+dative = whom]
  5. to be from a particular time [+accusative = what time]
  6. (obsolete) to mind, to heed (to pay attention to) [+ na (accusative) = what/whom]
  7. to remember (to celebrate; to honor)
  8. to remember; to ponder
  9. to calm (to make peaceful)
  10. to remember each other, to remember one another (to keep each other in mind and not forget each other)
  11. to remember (to recall from one's memory)
  12. to remember something about oneself
  13. to be of sound mind

