The Determinante exact Aggettivo shape Sostantivo of Adposizione the Determinante cavity Sostantivo is Ausiliario often Avverbio dependent Aggettivo on 🔛 Congiunzione subordinante how many lamps Sostantivo are Ausiliario used Verbo .
Congiunzione subordinante
La forma esatta della cavità dipende spesso da quante lampade vengono utilizzate. La forma esatta della cavità dipende spesso da quante lampade vengono utilizzate .
Parole e frasi
- Precisely agreeing with a standard, a fact, or the truth; perfectly conforming; neither exceeding nor falling short in any respect.
- Habitually careful to agree with a standard, a rule, or a promise; accurate; methodical; punctual.
- Precisely or definitely conceived or stated; strict.
- Such that the kernel of one homomorphism is the image of the preceding one.
- Expressing distance or motion.
- (obsolete) Expressing distance or motion.
- Since, from (a given time, earlier state etc.).
- From, away from (a position, number, distance etc.).
- Expressing separation.
- Expressing separation.
- (obsolete) Expressing separation.
- Expressing origin.
- Expressing origin.
- Expressing origin.
- Expressing origin.
- Expressing origin.
- Expressing agency.
- Expressing agency.
- Expressing agency.
- Expressing composition, substance.
- Expressing composition, substance.
- Expressing composition, substance.
- Expressing composition, substance.
- Expressing composition, substance.
- Introducing subject matter.
- Introducing subject matter.
- Introducing subject matter.
- Having partitive effect.
- Having partitive effect.
- Having partitive effect.
- Having partitive effect.
- Expressing possession.
- Expressing possession.
- Expressing possession.
- Forming the "objective genitive".
- Forming the "objective genitive".
- Expressing qualities or characteristics.
- Expressing qualities or characteristics.
- Expressing qualities or characteristics.
- (informal) Expressing qualities or characteristics.
- Expressing a point in time.
- Expressing a point in time.
- Expressing a point in time.
- Expressing a point in time.
- (informal) Expressing a point in time.
- A hole or hollow depression in a solid object.
- A hole or hollow depression in a solid object.
- A small or large hole in a tooth caused by caries; often also a soft area adjacent to the hole also affected by caries.
- third-person singular simple present indicative of be
- (colloquial) Used in phrases with existential there (also here and where) when the semantic subject is plural.
- present indicative of be; am, are, is.
- Relying upon; depending upon.
- Having a probability that is affected by the outcome of a separate event.
- Used after a particle (with one or two exceptions), such as those which express questions, subordinate clauses, and negative sentences.
- Of part of the body: positioned lower than the heart, like the legs while standing up, or the back while supine.
- Hanging down.
- In the state of being active, functioning or operating.
- Happening; taking place; being or due to be put into action.
- (informal) Happening; taking place; being or due to be put into action.
- Fitted; covering or being worn.
- Of a stated part of something, oriented towards the viewer or other specified direction.
- (informal) Acceptable, appropriate.
- Possible; capable of being successfully carried out.
- (informal) Destined; involved, doomed.
- (informal) Having reached a base as a runner and being positioned there, awaiting further action from a subsequent batter.
- Within the half of the field on the same side as the batsman's legs; the left side for a right-handed batsman.
- Of a ball, being the next in sequence to be potted, according to the rules of the game.
- Acting in character.
- (informal) Performative or funny in a wearying manner.
- Menstruating.
how many
- unspecified number
- what number
- second-person singular simple present of be
- first-person plural simple present of be
- second-person plural simple present of be
- third-person plural simple present of be
- present of be