


first-person singular indicative simple past of görmek


  1. to see, watch
  2. to see, perceive, discern
  3. to see, meet and talk to/with
  4. to see (something) as, view (something) as, find, consider (something) to be, judge (something) to be
  5. to regard as, consider, deem
  6. to experience, live through
  7. to perform, do, attend to (a duty, task, etc.); to pay (an expense)
  8. to get, acquire
  9. to undergo
  10. (slang) to bribe


Comeza a aprender turco con learnfeliz .

Practica falar e memorizar " gördüm " e moitas outras palabras e frases en turco .

Vaia á nosa páxina do curso turco
Daha   önce   de   gördüm .

Dude, I mean, I had seen dance before, right?

Tam   bu  sırada meydanın ortasından geçip bulunduğum  sokağa   doğru   gelen   bir
  insan   gördüm .

Just then, I saw a person passing through the middle of the square and coming towards the street I was on.

Ve  karşımdaki  kandilin   arkasında ona  benzeyen sayısı bellisiz  kandiller  sıralandığını  gördüm .

And behind the lamp in front of me, I saw that there were an indefinite number of lamps that looked like him.
