


third-person plural future indicative of ir

Guionizado como
Pronunciado como (IPA)

  1. to go (to move to a destination)
  2. will; to be going to; forms the future tense
  3. to keep on; to go on; ~ on; forms the continuative aspect
  4. to go; to leave; to depart
  5. to attend; to go to (to be present in an event)
  6. to go on until; to last to
  7. to do; to fare (to have a good or bad result)
  8. to be doing (formula used in greetings)
  9. to be gone (depleted, destroyed; no longer usable)
  10. to leave (to die); to depart (to die)
  11. to go (to begin an action or process)
  12. to match; to go with (to form a good combination with)
  13. to like or tolerate someone or something
  14. to follow (to take into account when making choices)
  15. to range from (to encompass values between two given extremes)
  16. to call (to match the amount of chips in the pot)
  17. to depart; to leave
  18. to pass away; to depart; to die


Comeza a aprender portugués con learnfeliz .

Practica falar e memorizar " irão " e moitas outras palabras e frases en portugués .

Vaia á nosa páxina do curso portugués
Esperarão   anoitecer pois se   nos   descobrirem irão   nos   expulsar   sem   piedade .

They will wait for nightfall, for if they discover us, they will cast us out without mercy.
