


locative/vocative singular of świat

Guionizado como
♂️ Masculino
Pronunciado como (IPA)

  1. world (planet)
  2. world (the Universe)
  3. world (environment within the universe)
  4. world (nearest environment and surroundings)
  5. world (place in which people live)
  6. world (group of people, things, or phenomena with common features)
  7. world (reality measured objectively determining a human's conditions)
  8. world (perceived or seeming understanding of one's surroundings, real or not)
  9. world (set of people, institutions, and activities comprising someone's life)
  10. world (people living on Earth collectively)
  11. world (group of people occupying a high social status)
  12. heap (large amount of something)


Comeza a aprender polaco con learnfeliz .

Practica falar e memorizar " świecie " e moitas outras palabras e frases en polaco .

Vaia á nosa páxina do curso polaco
Czasem   opowiadał   jej jak   i
  co   myśli   o
  świecie .

Sometimes he told her how and what he thought about the world.

Na   świecie   trwało   jeszcze   ciemne   rano .

There was still a dark morning in the world.

Nel  po  dwu  lub   trzech  przejażdżkach,  zapewniała że   nie ma   nic  rozkoszniejszego  na   świecie .

Nell, after two or three rides, assured that there was nothing more delightful in the world.
