


accusative singular of ziemia

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Pronunciado como (IPA)

  1. earth (planet on which people live)
  2. earth (place of life, as opposed to heaven or the afterlife)
  3. earth, soil, dirt (layer of land in which plants grow)
  4. ground; floor (that which is walked on)
  5. land, earth (solid ground, as opposed to air or water)
  6. land; ground, property (area that is one's property)
  7. land; country (particular political, ethnographic, or geographic region)
  8. motherland, fatherland (country in which one was born)
  9. unit or division smaller than a voivodeship


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Był   w
  rozpaczy   i
 zdawało  mu   się że   spadnie   na   ziemię .

He was in despair and it seemed to him that he would fall to the ground.

Szła patrząc   w
  ziemię i
 wydawała  się   bardzo  zasmucona.

She walked, looking down at the ground, and seemed very saddened.

Widocznie   jeleń
 obalił  go   na   ziemię   uderzeniem   przednich   nóg .

Apparently, a deer knocked him to the ground with the impact of his front legs.
