


  1. battle, combat, fight (mutual use of force or weapons against one another) [+ z (instrumental) = with whom], [+ o (accusative) = for/over what], [+ przeciw (dative)]/[+ przeciwko (dative) = against whom], [+ między (object)]/[+ pomiędzy (instrumental) = between whom], [+ za (accusative) = for whom/what]
  2. fight; clash (arrange combat often for entertainment; arranged sports competition) [+ z (instrumental) = with whom]
  3. fight, combat (act of attempting to defeat an opponent in some dispute or contest) [+ z (instrumental) = with whom], [+ przeciw (dative)]/[+ przeciwko (dative) = against whom]
  4. struggle, fight (act of attempting to remove undesirable phenomena or difficulties, to get something, or to help someone) [+ z (instrumental) = with whom], [+ o (accusative) = for/over what]
  5. struggle, fight (act of attempting to win someone's favor) [+ o (accusative) = for/over whom]
  6. struggle, fight (act of opposing forces of nature or general phenomena) [+ z (instrumental) = with whom]
  7. clash (contradiction, e.g. between differing or contending interests, views, purposes)
  8. (obsolete) competition (fighting for resources between species in the same environment)
  9. (obsolete) desire, want for something

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Vaia á nosa páxina do curso polaco
" Walka   była  zapowiedziana  na   trzecią ."

"The fight was announced for three o'clock."

" Walka   winna   się   odbyć   pod  warunkiem,  że  rękawice szermierzy  ważą   po   dwie   uncje ."

"The fight should take place on the condition that the swordsmen's gloves weigh two ounces each."
