


  1. genitive singular of rozmowa
  2. nominative plural of rozmowa
  3. accusative plural of rozmowa
  4. vocative plural of rozmowa

Guionizado como
Pronunciado como (IPA)

  1. conversation (expression and exchange of individual ideas through talking with other people) [+ o (locative) = about whom/what], [+ z (instrumental) = with whom]
  2. talks (official meeting or meetings meant to deal with a particular issue)
  3. (obsolete) phrase book
  4. prayer
  5. speech
  6. line of dialogue
  7. pronunciation, manner of speaking
  8. content; topic
  9. story, literary work


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Practica falar e memorizar " rozmowy " e moitas outras palabras e frases en polaco .

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" To   temat   naszej   rozmowy ."

“That's the topic of our conversation.”

" Zrozumiałem   każde   słowo   z
  ich   rozmowy ."

“I understood every word of their conversation.

Te   rozmowy , urwane  w środku .

These conversations, interrupted inside.

Tu  odbywały  się   te   rozmowy ta   wiedza  historyczna,  wspomnienia .

These conversations, this historical knowledge, memories took place here.

Podczas   rozmowy   usłyszałem   w
 sąsiednim  pokoju   lekkie   kroki szelest  szat  kobiecych .

During the conversation, I heard light footsteps in the next room, the rustle of women's robes.
