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  1. state (a condition; a set of circumstances applying at any given time)
  2. state (political division of a federation retaining a notable degree of autonomy, as in the United States, Mexico, Nigeria, or India)
  3. state, echelon; caste; level (layer of society during the Middle Ages)
  4. ring (group of people based on their profession or social function)
  5. waist (the part of the body between the pelvis and the stomach)
  6. waist (a part of a piece of clothing that covers the waist)
  7. upper body
  8. clothing for the upper body
  9. part of clothing worn on the lower body between the crotch and belt
  10. (obsolete) state (sovereign polity)
  11. shape, form
  12. state, mood
  13. (obsolete) number, amount
  14. obligation to provide room and board during the journey of the ruler and his retinue, later changed into an annual monetary tribute
  15. (obsolete) four cubits of linen
  16. (obsolete) profession
  17. (obsolete) bra, small corset
  18. (obsolete) document containing the office hours and location of a given official
  19. (obsolete) beekeeper's shelter in the woods
  20. (obsolete) flowerpot
  21. (obsolete) four wheels


  1. to stand, to stand up (to take a vertical position on one's legs; to begin standing; to step up onto) [+instrumental = with what], [+ na (locative) = on what]
  2. to stand, to stand up (to be placed vertically somewhere)
  3. to stand, to stand up (to take on a vertical position)
  4. to stand (to be raised; to be built)
  5. to sit (to take a particular position in the sky)
  6. to stand (to arrive somewhere in some aim) [+ przed (instrumental) = before (in front of) whom]
  7. to stop (to cease moving)
  8. to stop (to cease functioning)
  9. to stand; to be (to find oneself in some situation that requires action) [+ przed (instrumental) = in front of what], [+ wobec (genitive) = with regard to what]
  10. to stand (to take part in something that requires appearing at a specific place; i.e. on stage) [+ do (genitive) = (on/in)to what], [+ na (locative) = on what], [+ przy (locative) = at what], [+ za (instrumental) = behind what]
  11. (colloquial) to arise; to come (to come to fruition)
  12. to come (i.e. of topics, issues, to be presented to a group of people for discussion)
  13. to freeze (to stop flowing from having the surface freeze over)
  14. (colloquial) to become erect, to stand up (to become erect)
  15. to stand up (to resist)
  16. to concentrate (to gather into a single, more dense mass)
  17. to stop (to cease travelling or moving somewhere for some sort of stay)
  18. to suffice (to be enough, to be valuable enough) [+ za (accusative) = for whom]
  19. (obsolete) to begin, to start (to start an action) [+infinitive = to do what]


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