


third-person singular present of nosić

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Pronunciado como (IPA)

  1. to carry; to bear (to lift (something) and take it to another place; to transport (something) by lifting)
  2. to carry; to bring (to have, hold, possess or maintain (something))
  3. to carry, to bear (to have or display (a mark or other feature)
  4. to wear (to carry or have equipped on or about one's body, as an item of clothing, equipment, decoration, etc.)
  5. to carry, to bear; to wear (to have something that distinguishes one in appearance from other people or animals)
  6. to bear, to carry (to have a distinguishing feature, e.g. a name)
  7. (colloquial) to knock around; to carry (to cause someone to change places often or be restless) [+ po (locative) = around what]
  8. to carry
  9. (obsolete) to lay an egg
  10. (obsolete) to accustom (to cause someone to become used to something) [+ do (genitive) = to what]
  11. (obsolete) to hold up; to lift (to raise and keep in one's hand while not moving)
  12. (obsolete) to carry oneself; to bear (to be pregnant with)
  13. (obsolete) to have a particular gait
  14. to bring; to deliver
  15. to bear (to take responsibility for or bear consequences)
  16. to slander
  17. to throw
  18. to take; to get, to receive
  19. to bring, to bear; to fruit
  20. to hold a position
  21. to progress in a particular way
  22. to contain
  23. to dress (to place clothes on someone or something)
  24. to carry; Further details are uncertain.
  25. to dress (to wear a particular kind of clothing)
  26. to carry oneself (to behave or conduct in a particular way)
  27. to play around with; to toy with (to intend to do for some time) [+ z (instrumental) = with what]
  28. to wear well (to compliment someone's outfit; to go well with)
  29. to go through (to experience something constantly)
  30. (obsolete) to pace (to move frantically and quickly)
  31. to leave, to depart
  32. to enter


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