


third-person singular present of mieszkać

Guionizado como
Pronunciado como (IPA)

  1. to live, to reside (to have permanent or long-term residence; to treat a place as one's long-term place of residence)
  2. to dwell, to live (to have one's habitat somewhere)
  3. to dwell, to reside (to be felt by most people; to be in the air)
  4. (obsolete) to pay attention to; to spend time with
  5. (obsolete) to linger
  6. to rely, to depend
  7. to live (to be alive)
  8. to remain (to not disappear)
  9. to remain (to not leave)
  10. to live under certain conditions
  11. to associate with (to be in someone's company)
  12. to act according to some regulations, rules, etc.
  13. to be late


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