


third-person singular masculine past of opowiadać

Guionizado como
♂️ Masculino
Pronunciado como (IPA)

  1. to tell, to narrate (to present a series of events using words) [+dative = to whom] [+ o (locative) = about whom/what]
  2. to be about (of stores, to contain some content about a particular subject) [+dative = to whom]
  3. (obsolete) to inform, to tell, to announce
  4. (obsolete) to announce an animal's location by barking
  5. to repeat, to pass along
  6. to order, to commission
  7. to bode
  8. to back, to side with [+ za (instrumental) = someone/something], [+ przeciwko (dative) = against someone/something]
  9. to justify (to explain actions or intentions so as to gain the approval of someone) [+dative = to whom] [+ z (genitive) = what]
  10. to announce one's arrival or departure
  11. to tell about oneself
  12. to speak one's mind, to express one's opinion
  13. to declare, to make known
  14. to institute
  15. to be declared, to be made known
  16. to be announced


Comeza a aprender polaco con learnfeliz .

Practica falar e memorizar " opowiadał " e moitas outras palabras e frases en polaco .

Vaia á nosa páxina do curso polaco
Czasem   opowiadał   jej jak   i
  co   myśli   o
  świecie .

Sometimes he told her how and what he thought about the world.
