


  1. because, for
  2. whereas
  3. introduces a subjective clause; that
  4. introduces an objective clause; that
  5. sometime; Further details are uncertain.
  6. The meaning of this term is uncertain.

Pronunciado como (IPA)


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Nie   widział   nic gdyż   księżyc   skrył   się   poza   chmurą .

He couldn't see anything, because the moon was hiding behind the cloud.

" Nie  popełniono  jej   dla  rabunku,  gdyż  zmarłemu  nic   nie   zabrano ."

"It was not committed for robbery, because nothing was taken from the deceased."

" Deski   musiały   zaskrzypieć gdyż   usłyszałem   lekki   okrzyk

“The boards must have creaked because I heard a slight shout.”

" Wnet   jednak  uspokoiłem  się gdyż  nastraszył  nas   tak   niespodzianie   kot

"Soon, however, I calmed down, because we were so unexpectedly frightened by the cat."
