


  1. pot, jar, vase, tin, can, carton (a container of any of various materials)
  2. cooking pot (any vessel used to cook food)
  3. dish
  4. potty (the pot used when toilet-training children)
  5. (colloquial) drink, jar, bevvy (alcoholic beverage)
  6. (colloquial) do (UK), bash, drinks party (a small, informal party or celebration)
  7. pot, kitty, pool (money staked at cards, etc.)
  8. (informal) luck (success; chance occurrence, especially when favourable)
  9. a half-litre bottle or measure of wine
  10. a pre-metric unit of measure, equivalent to 1.5 litres
  11. a paper size, about 40 by 31 cm
  12. (slang) arse, ass (the buttocks)

♂️ Masculino
Pronunciado como (IPA)

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