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School is the place where you learn things and try not to fall asleep. Let's discover some sentences you might hear in school!

Ji  polê dakevin qada dibistanê.

Go down from the classroom to the school grounds.

Tu   çi   dikî   li  zanîngehê?

What are you doing at university?

Mamostekî zaroka  me .

A teacher of our child.

Pirtûkxane  cihê xwendinê ye.

The library is a place to study.

Sedemên qirêjbûna polê  çi   ne

What are the causes of classroom pollution?

Pol  û  dibistana  xwe   paqij kirin .

They cleaned their classroom and school.

 mîmarê civakê ye.

The teacher is the architect of the society.

Hundirê pirtûkxaneyê çawa ye?

What is the inside of the library like?

Pol  û  dibistana  xwe   paqij dikin .

They clean their classroom and school.

Min     zanîngeh   qedand   û   ez   niha  mamosteyê  Kurdî   me .

I also graduated from university and I am now a Kurdish teacher.

Min   digot   qey   tu  yê piştî nîvro biçî pirtûkxaneyê.

I thought you were going to the library this afternoon.

Heya mamosteyê     jê fam nedikir.

Even his teacher did not understand him.

Di  fakulteya Îlahiyeta Qonyeyê  û   li  zanîngeha Dîcleyê mamostetî  kiriye .

He has taught at the Faculty of Theology in Qonye and at the University of Tigris.

Xebatên berfireh  li  Zanîngeha Duke  û  Zanîngeha Oxfordê tên meşandin.

Extensive work is being done at Duke University and Oxford University.

Li  fakûlteya zanînên pozîtîv a Zanîngeha Enqereyê  dest
  bi  zanîngehê  kir .

He started his studies at the Faculty of Positive Sciences of Ankara University.
