Who does not like our furry friends? Let's see what some of the animals are called.

Kurm ketine dilê  .

Worms entered her heart.

 daketiye  gund .

The bear has come down to the village.

Hirçê  birçî  nalîze.

A hungry bear does not play.

Pezê we heye?

Do you have a sheep?

Bakterî zindiyên  biçûk  in.

Bacteria are small living things.

Meymûn  bi  darê ve ye.

The monkey is tied to the tree.

Lawir  ji  zindiyên derdora  me   ne

Animals are among the living things around us.

Ku   ga
 dimre  kêr   pir   dibin .

When the cow dies, the knives multiply.

Hişyar be  dibe   ku   diz  bên pezên  me !

Be careful, thieves may come to our sheep!

Caniyê viringî naçêre.

The wild animal does not graze.

Bi  bextê kuçikê te be.

Good luck with your puppy.

Caniyê viringî  şîr

The wild animal is drinking milk.

Beqa avê qurequrê dike.

The frog swallows the water.

Ji  marên Hindistanê ên xeternaktir.

More dangerous than Indian snakes.

Xwendekarên dibistaneke Wanê robotek çêkirin.

Students of a school in Van made a robot.

Cihê jiyana lawiran cuda ye.

The place of life of the lions is different.

Ajelên Qersê  ji ber  berfê  birçî   man .

The eagles of Qers were starved because of the snow.

Refa kevokan  rizgar

The pigeon shelter was saved.

Caniyê viringî  li  pirêzeyê naçêre.

The wild animal does not graze in the field.

Bakterî zindiyên  pir   biçûk  in  ku   bi  çavan nayên  dîtin

Bacteria are very small organisms that cannot be seen with the naked eye.

  sal  in dixwest çermê miyê bikire.

He wanted to buy a sheepskin for two years.

 debara  xwe   bi  sewalan  û  çandiniyê dike.

The village earns its living from livestock and agriculture.

Karên qîza bazingê destê wan e.

The work of the bazin girl is in their hands.

Li  kerên  mirî  digere  ku  nalê jê veke.

He looks for dead deer to remove the hoof.

Vîrus dikare  belav  bibe tevahiya organên mirîşkan.

The virus can spread to all organs of the chicken.

Bi  rêya rehên  xwe , avê  ji  axê distîne  û  dide pelên  xwe .

Through its roots, it takes water from the soil and gives it to its leaves.

Di  demsala buharê  de , lawir  ji  xewa zivistanê şiyar  dibin .

In the spring season, the birds wake up from their winter sleep.

Kîso, lawirekî ciyawaz e, dikare  xwe   di  qalikê  xwe   de  veşêre.

Kiso is a different type of animal, it can hide in its shell.
