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English numbers are relatively easy and straightforward. Here are some sentences with numbers in it so you know how to use them.

San Juan County   borders   Arizona Colorado and   New Mexico   at   the   Four Corners .

San Juan County borders Arizona, Colorado, and New Mexico at the Four Corners.

Both   paintings along with   seven   others were   intended   for  Boydell's  Shakespeare   Gallery .

Both paintings, along with seven others, were intended for Boydell's Shakespeare Gallery.

The same   four   demons   appear   in   the  "Semiphoras  and  Schemhamforas".

The same four demons appear in the "Semiphoras and Schemhamforas".

Three   subspecies   are   currently   recognized including   the   nominate   subspecies   described   here .

Three subspecies are currently recognized, including the nominate subspecies described here.

The   diminished seventh   contains   two   diminished fifths which   often   resolve   inwards .

The diminished seventh contains two diminished fifths, which often resolve inwards.