Time to eat.
Presenta tendencia cara ao canibalismo.
There is a tendency towards cannibalism.
Escolleron os cincuenta 50 mellores pans do mundo 🗺️ .
They chose the fifty best buns in the world.
A prosperidade da maioría das cidades dependía da agricultura .
The prosperity of most cities depended on agriculture.
Tamén lle entregan caramelos.
They also provide you with sweets.
A xira estivo chea de incidentes con borracheiras e enfrontamentos coa seguridade .
The tour was full of drunken incidents and clashes with security.
A noite 🌃 das mulleres reúnense para cearen en restaurantes ou en locais particulares.
Women's evenings meet for dinner in restaurants or in private venues.
Primeiro 1st fora usada para beberaxes durante a dinastía Zhou.
It was first used for drinking during the Zhou Dynasty.
As plantas acuáticas e os ovos de peixes poden ser alimentos importantes localmente tamén .
Aquatic plants and fish eggs can be locally important foods as well.
Esta síndrome é un 🅰️ trastorno do desenvolvemento asociado con sobrealimentación e dificultades de aprendizaxe.
This syndrome is a developmental disorder associated with overeating and learning difficulties.
Esta dispoñibilidade permanente dalgúns comestibles xa cambiou a conduta alimentaria e numerosos ritos.
This permanent availability of some foods has already changed the eating behavior and numerous rites.