


  1. inflection of sentar: ## third-person plural present subjunctive ## third-person plural imperative
  2. inflection of sentar: ## third-person plural present subjunctive ## third-person plural imperative
  3. third-person plural present indicative of sentir


  1. to sense; to feel (to perceive by means of biological senses)
  2. to feel (to feel with the skin or hands)
  3. to feel (to experience an emotion or feeling [noun])
  4. to feel (to experience an emotion or feeling [adjective])
  5. to feel; to think (to vaguely expect that something is the case or will happen)
  6. to feel (to experience the consequences of)
  7. to be offended by (a comment)
  8. to be significantly harmed by
  9. to be sorry, regretful
  10. to foretell; to foresee
  11. to hear; to overhear


  1. to seat
  2. to sit
  3. to place (to put (an object or person) in a specific location)
  4. to settle (to become established in a steady position)
  5. (Brazil,informal) to land a blow; to hit; to deliver
  6. (Brazil) to ride (to mount someone to have sex with them)


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