


third-person singular masculine past of zobaczyć

Avec trait d'union comme
♂️ Masculin
Prononcé comme (IPA)

  1. to see; to catch sight of, to glimpse (to begin to see; to perceive with the eyes)
  2. to see (to watch e.g. a movie)
  3. to see (to meet with someone)
  4. to see (to check a situation)
  5. to see (to convince oneself of)
  6. to see (to become aware of the existence of)
  7. to see (to observe some trait in someone) [+ w (locative) = in whom/what]
  8. to see oneself (to perceive oneself with one's eyes)
  9. to see each other (to perceive one another with one's eyes)
  10. to see; to see each other (to meet up with) [+ z (instrumental) = with whom]
  11. to see oneself (to observe some trait in oneself)


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Wstał,  podszedł   do   okna   i
  zobaczył   niebieską  mgłę.

Il s'est levé, est allé à la fenêtre et a vu un brouillard bleu.

Podniósł  żwawo   głowę   jak   cebulkę   i
  zobaczył   mały   wózek   z

Il leva la tête vivement comme un oignon et vit une petite charrette avec des légumes.
