


  1. to believe (to accept as true, particularly without absolute certainty) [+ w (accusative) = (in) whom/what]
  2. to believe (to accept that someone is telling the truth) [+dative = whom/what], [+ w (accusative) = (in) whom/what]
  3. to believe in (to have confidence in the ability or power of) [+ w (accusative) = in whom]
  4. to believe in (to believe that something is right or desirable) [+ w (accusative) = in what]
  5. to believe (to have religious faith; to believe in a greater truth) [+ w (accusative) = in whom/what]
  6. (obsolete) to confide in; to confess

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Z początku   nie   chciał   wierzyć ale  uwierzył.

Au début, il ne voulait pas croire, mais il croyait.

" Słusznie   mówią że   snom   wierzyć   nie   trzeba ."

"Ils disent à juste titre que vous n'avez pas besoin de croire."
