


instrumental singular of ruch

Coupé comme
♂️ Masculin
Prononcé comme (IPA)

  1. movement (physical motion between points in space)
  2. movement (movement of the whole body or any part of it, intentionally or involuntarily)
  3. movement, exercise (physical activity, the purpose of which is to keep the body in the best condition)
  4. traffic (moving pedestrians or vehicles, or the flux or passage thereof)
  5. movement, action, bustle, liveliness (situation characterized by the fact that in a place there are many people who move and perform various activities at the same time)
  6. movement (a trend in various fields or social categories, a group of people with a common ideology who try together to achieve certain general goals)
  7. move (turn, act of taking action in a game)
  8. act (deliberate action by a person to achieve an intended goal)
  9. change, shift (exchange of someone or something for someone or something else)
  10. coal mine that has been merged with another and incorporated into a larger mining enterprise, but retains relative independence as part of that enterprise's structure
  11. maneuver (large training exercise of military troops)
  12. (obsolete) tin button with an eyelet
  13. (obsolete) taciturn person


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  ruchem   ręki  wskazuję ruiny.

Et je montre les ruines avec un mouvement de la main.

" Szybkim kocim   ruchem  położył  pantofel   na   krwawej   plamie   na  futrynie  okna ."

"Il a mis la pantoufle sur une tache sanglante sur le cadre de la fenêtre avec un mouvement rapide de chat."
