


third-person singular masculine past of pracować

Avec trait d'union comme
♂️ Masculin
Prononcé comme (IPA)

  1. to work (to do a specific task by employing physical or mental powers) [+ przy (locative) = at what]
  2. to work (to do a specific task by employing physical or mental powers) [+ przy (locative) = at what]
  3. to work (to do a specific task by employing physical or mental powers) [+ przy (locative) = at what]
  4. to work (to do a specific task by employing physical or mental powers) [+ przy (locative) = at what]
  5. to work (to do a specific task by employing physical or mental powers) [+ przy (locative) = at what]
  6. to work (to do a specific task by employing physical or mental powers) [+ przy (locative) = at what]
  7. to work (to do a specified task for payment or a reward) [+ u (genitive) = for whom/at what company]
  8. to work (to do a specified task for payment or a reward) [+ u (genitive) = for whom/at what company]
  9. to work (to function, to operate, to be active at performing the intended task)
  10. to work (to perform a function necessary for the body)
  11. to work (to be on, to be performing a function)
  12. to warp (to be deformed by some force or from use)
  13. (obsolete) to ferment
  14. (obsolete) to chase an animal diligently and eagerly
  15. to fight, to brawl (to have a physical conflict with someone)


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Jadł pił spał   i
  pracował   od świtu do nocy .

Il mangeait, buvait, dormait et travaillait de l'aube à la nuit.
