


  1. to speak (to deliver a message to a group; to deliver a speech) [+ do (genitive) = to whom]
  2. to speak up (to gain the ability speak)
  3. to speak up (to begin speaking)
  4. to put in a good word [+ za (instrumental) = for whom]
  5. to speak to (to speak to someone in a particular manner) [+ do (genitive) = to whom]
  6. to speak through (to appear in someone's behavior) [+ przez (accusative) = through whom]
  7. to talk over to talk around [+ do (genitive) = to whom]
  8. to speak for, to speak against (to attest to something's benefit or detriment) [+ za (instrumental) = for what], [+ przeciwko (dative) = against what]
  9. to argue, to fight

Avec trait d'union comme
Prononcé comme (IPA)


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" Śmieli   się   oboje   do   siebie z początku   nie   mogąc   przemówić
  słowa ."

"Ils se sont tous les deux ri les uns des autres, au début incapables de dire un mot."
