


  1. stone (piece of rock that has been separated)
  2. stone (gemstone, jewel)
  3. stone; plaque (hard sediment remaining on something)
  4. stone (hard, stone-like deposit in someone or something's body)
  5. stone (small stone-like item used in some games and sports)
  6. rock (closed hand in the game of rock paper scissors)
  7. (obsolete) pack of matches containing 250 boxes
  8. (obsolete) stone (unit of mass equal to 32 pounds)
  9. (obsolete) stone (hard seed of some fruits)
  10. (obsolete) border post
  11. knob used to vote when judging a guilty person
  12. plummet (measuring device)
  13. antimony, semimetal
  14. The meaning of this term is uncertain. Possibilities include:
  15. The meaning of this term is uncertain. Possibilities include:
  16. copper ore
  17. murra
  18. magnet
  19. magnesia; magnesium oxide; manganese ore
  20. The meaning of this term is uncertain. Possibilities include:
  21. The meaning of this term is uncertain. Possibilities include:
  22. fossil
  23. amber
  24. coral
  25. solid
  26. weight
  27. stone; Further details are uncertain.

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" Skóra   zaś  wyschła  do tego   stopnia że   była   twarda jak   kamień

"La peau s'est séchée à un point tel qu'elle était difficile, comme une pierre."

"Spostrzegł  wielki   kamień
  leżący   pod   bramą wyrwał   go   i
  przeszedł   tym  otworem."

"Il a remarqué une grande pierre allongée à la porte, l'a arrachée et l'a passé avec cet ouvert."
