


  1. inflection of ciężki: ## genitive/locative plural ## virile accusative plural
  2. inflection of ciężki: ## genitive/locative plural ## virile accusative plural

Avec trait d'union comme
Prononcé comme (IPA)

  1. heavy (having much physical weight)
  2. heavy, hard (labored, slow, sluggish)
  3. heavy, hard (i.e. of a step, done stronger than usual; of great force, power, or intensity; deep or intense)
  4. hard, difficult, heavy (requiring much effort; not easy)
  5. heavy (difficult to digest)
  6. heavy, weighty (made of thick material; massive)
  7. heavy (i.e. of a head, laden to a great extent; giving the impression as if heavy)
  8. heavy, weighty (serious, intense)
  9. heavy (not easy to bear; burdensome)
  10. hard, heavy (full of worries, troubles and negative events)
  11. hard, heavy (difficult to watch, read, etc.)
  12. heavy (lacking finesse or inspiration)
  13. heavy (intended for tasks requiring high force)
  14. heavy (more heavily armed or armored)
  15. (colloquial) huge (possessinga a particular trait to a considerable extent)
  16. (colloquial) large (taking up much memory)
  17. serious, severe (dangerous, life-threatening)
  18. deep, rough (low pitched and unpleasant)
  19. heavy, thick
  20. heavy (thick and stuffy)
  21. (obsolete) burdensome (causing difficulty)
  22. poor (difficult to cultivate)
  23. pregnant, with child
  24. heavy; Further details are uncertain.


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" Liczyłem   godziny   i
 modliłem  się żeby   szybciej   minęły ; drętwiałem  w
  ciężkich  wyziewach."

"Je comptais des heures et priais pour les faire passer plus vite; je suis engourdi dans de lourdes fumées."
