


  1. to gather, to collect, to bring together, to assemble, to get together, to round up, to marshal, to compile, to put together, to pull together, to draw together, to pool
  2. to satisfy, to meet, to possess (e.g. conditions, requirements, criteria, qualifications, characteristics)
  3. to join, unite
  4. to reunite, reconvene
  5. to muster, to summon (e.g. the courage, determination, will, strength, energy)
  6. to raise, to muster (e.g. money, an army)
  7. to huddle
  8. to meet, to meet up, to get together, to assemble, to convene, to rendezvous
  9. to join
  10. to reconvene, to reunite, to rejoin

Avec trait d'union comme
Prononcé comme (IPA)

From re- + unir.


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