

  1. Valenzuela (an independent city in Metro Manila, Philippines) # Valenzuela (a town and municipality of Córdoba, Andalusia, Spain) # Valenzuela (a town and district of the Cordillera department, Paraguay)
  2. Valenzuela (an independent city in Metro Manila, Philippines) # Valenzuela (a town and municipality of Córdoba, Andalusia, Spain) # Valenzuela (a town and district of the Cordillera department, Paraguay)
  3. Valenzuela (an independent city in Metro Manila, Philippines) # Valenzuela (a town and municipality of Córdoba, Andalusia, Spain) # Valenzuela (a town and district of the Cordillera department, Paraguay)

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Esta   bajo   la   responsabilidad   pastoral   del   obispo   Ricardo   Jorge   Valenzuela   Ríos .

C'est sous la responsabilité pastorale de l'évêque Ricardo Jorge Valenzuela Ríos.
