


  1. A deviation or difference.
  2. A specific variation of something.
  3. A specific variation of something.
  4. A specific variation of something.
  5. A specific variation of something.
  6. A collection or number of different things.
  7. A collection or number of different things.
  8. A collection or number of different things.
  9. A collection or number of different things.
  10. Ellipsis of variety performance. or variety show (“a type of entertainment featuring a succession of short, unrelated performances by various artistes such as (depending on the medium) acrobats, comedians, dancers, magicians, singers, etc.”).
  11. The quality of being varied; diversity.
  12. The kind of entertainment given in variety performances or shows; also, the production of, or performance in, variety performances or shows.

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There are   a
  variety   of   different   types probably   not
  homologous and   serving   various   functions .

Il existe une variété de types différents, probablement pas homologues, et remplissant diverses fonctions.

Henson   has   played   in   a
  variety   of   positions   including   fly-half fullback   and   inside centre .

Henson a joué dans une variété de positions, notamment le demi-fly, le arrière et le centre intérieur.
