


  1. Any period of seven consecutive days.
  2. A period of seven days beginning with Sunday or Monday.
  3. A period of five days beginning with Monday.
  4. A subdivision of the month into longer periods of work days punctuated by shorter weekend periods of days for markets, rest, or religious observation such as a sabbath.
  5. A date seven days after (sometimes before) the specified day.

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I would   give   a
  review   of   the   new
  I   bought   a
  week   ago .

Je donnerais une bonne critique du nouveau téléviseur que j'ai acheté il y a une semaine.

That's   almost   a
  hundred   dollars   a
  week !

C'est presque une centaine de dollars par semaine!

The   tape   is   removed   after   one   week   and   cut   into  day-length  sections .

Le ruban est retiré après une semaine et coupé en sections de longueur de jour.
