


  1. To match (something or someone which one currently perceives) to a memory of some previous encounter with the same person or thing.
  2. To acknowledge the existence or legality of; to treat as valid or worthy of consideration.
  3. To acknowledge or consider (as being a certain thing or having a certain quality or property).
  4. To realize or discover the nature of something; apprehend quality in.
  5. To show formal appreciation of, as with an award, commendation etc.
  6. (obsolete) To review; to examine again.
  7. (obsolete) To reconnoiter.
  8. To have the property to bind to specific antigens.

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" Learn   to   recognize   omens and   follow   them ,"  the   old
  had   said .

"Apprenez à reconnaître les présages et les suivre", avait déclaré le vieux roi.
