


plural of settler

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  1. Someone who settles in a new location, especially one who takes up residence in a previously uninhabited place; a colonist.
  2. Someone who decides or settles something, such as a dispute.
  3. (colloquial) That which settles or finishes, such as a blow that decides a contest.
  4. The person in a betting shop who calculates the winnings.
  5. A drink which settles the stomach, especially a bitter drink, often a nightcap.
  6. A vessel, such as a tub, in which something, such as pulverized ore suspended in a liquid, is allowed to settle.


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Settlers   soon
  began   arriving building   homesteads barns businesses and   ranches .

Les colons ont rapidement commencé à arriver, à construire des propriétés familiales, des granges, des entreprises et des ranchs.
