


  1. A Scottish surname from Scottish Gaelic.
  2. A male given name.
  3. A suburb of Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia.
  4. A number of places in the United States:
  5. A number of places in the United States:
  6. A number of places in the United States:
  7. A number of places in the United States:
  8. A number of places in the United States:
  9. A number of places in the United States:
  10. A number of places in the United States:
  11. A number of places in the United States:
  12. A number of places in the United States:
  13. A number of places in the United States:
  14. A number of places in the United States:
  15. A number of places in the United States:


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With this   decision Gilmore   said   he
  was   seriously   considering   a
  run   for   the   Senate .

Avec cette décision, Gilmore a déclaré qu'il envisageait sérieusement une course pour le Sénat.
