


  1. inflection of verbinden: ## third-person singular present ## second-person plural present ## second-person plural subjunctive I ## plural imperative
  2. inflection of verbinden: ## third-person singular present ## second-person plural present ## second-person plural subjunctive I ## plural imperative
  3. inflection of verbinden: ## third-person singular present ## second-person plural present ## second-person plural subjunctive I ## plural imperative
  4. inflection of verbinden: ## third-person singular present ## second-person plural present ## second-person plural subjunctive I ## plural imperative


  1. to join, to combine, to connect
  2. to bandage
  3. to put through


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Mary Area  verbindet wo   sich   die   Städte  Serekunda  und  Bakau  befinden .

La région de Mary se connecte là où se trouvent les villes de Serekunda et Bakau.

Aquaponik  verbindet   Fischzucht   und  Pflanzenzucht  unter   einem   Dach .

L'aquaponie combine la pisciculture et la reproduction des plantes sous un même toit.
