


  1. inflection of national: ## strong genitive masculine/neuter singular ## weak/mixed genitive/dative all-gender singular ## strong/weak/mixed accusative masculine singular ## strong dative plural ## weak/mixed all-case plural
  2. inflection of national: ## strong genitive masculine/neuter singular ## weak/mixed genitive/dative all-gender singular ## strong/weak/mixed accusative masculine singular ## strong dative plural ## weak/mixed all-case plural
  3. inflection of national: ## strong genitive masculine/neuter singular ## weak/mixed genitive/dative all-gender singular ## strong/weak/mixed accusative masculine singular ## strong dative plural ## weak/mixed all-case plural
  4. inflection of national: ## strong genitive masculine/neuter singular ## weak/mixed genitive/dative all-gender singular ## strong/weak/mixed accusative masculine singular ## strong dative plural ## weak/mixed all-case plural
  5. inflection of national: ## strong genitive masculine/neuter singular ## weak/mixed genitive/dative all-gender singular ## strong/weak/mixed accusative masculine singular ## strong dative plural ## weak/mixed all-case plural


  1. national (being part of a nation's identity or character)
  2. national (of importance for the nation as a whole)
  3. nationwide, national (covering a country, as opposed to regional and international levels; see usage note below)
  4. nationalist


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In   beiden   Disziplinen   erzielte   er
  vordere  Platzierungen  bei   den   nationalen  Jugendmeisterschaften.

Dans les deux disciplines, il a atteint les principaux postes aux championnats nationaux de la jeunesse.

Letztere   werden   nach   Liga nationalen  Pokalspielen  und   internationalen  Pokalspielen  aufgezeigt   sowie   in   ihrer  Gesamtsumme.

Ces derniers sont présentés selon la ligue, les matchs de la Coupe nationale et les matchs de la Coupe internationale ainsi que dans leur total.
