


imperfect participle of sürmek


  1. To operate a wheeled vehicle; to drive, to ride.
  2. To continue to happen, to go on, to last, to take a certain amount of time.
  3. (of animals) To huddle before one and compel to move forward; to drive.
  4. To push forward, to send, to drive.
  5. (of a container or a cooking utensil) To hold over or to place on fire, a stove or in an oven.
  6. To cause to touch, to make touch.
  7. To exile, send into exile, to expel, to cast out, to banish.
  8. To spread something on a surface in a thin layer; to rub, to smear, to apply.
  9. To put on the market; to put up for sale, to launch, to release, to make available for purchase.
  10. To release money into circulation illegally.
  11. To remain in a certain state or situation; to lead, to maintain.
  12. To turn over the soil to prepare a field for planting; to plough, to till.
  13. (of time) To pass, to elapse.
  14. (of plants) To sprout, to germinate, to grow in size, to shoot forth, to grow roots, to strike roots.


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Bölgede yıllardır  süren  husumet  artık   sona    eriyor?

L'hostilité dans la région est-elle terminée des années?

  süren  konferansa  on beş
  şair  katıldı.

Quinze poètes ont assisté à la conférence, qui a duré trois jours.

Yıllarca  süren  değişimlerden  sonra   Barbados
 Hükümeti  hala   bu  konuda  karar vermek   zorunda .

Après des années de changements, le gouvernement de la Barbade doit toujours décider de cette question.

Çağdaşlığı   ve  değişimin gerekliliğini öne  süren   görüşler   ilk
  ortaya  atıldı.

Pour la première fois, les points de vue suggérant la nécessité de la modernité et du changement ont été avancés.
