


first-person singular masculine past of zrobić

Coupé comme
♂️ Masculin
Prononcé comme (IPA)

  1. to make (to cause the existence of)
  2. to do (to perform; to execute)
  3. to make; to cause (to effect or produce by means of some action)
  4. to throw (to organize; to cause something to happen)
  5. to make (to cause someone to take on traits of something, to become something) [+ z (genitive) = out of what]
  6. to make (to unfairly assign traits of something to someone or something) [+ z (genitive) = out of what]
  7. used as a generic verb, sometimes to replace another; to do
  8. used anaphorically instead of repeating a previous verb; to do
  9. to act, to behave
  10. to come about, to arise
  11. to get, to become [+ z (genitive) = out of what]
  12. to start to feel [+dative = who]
  13. (colloquial) to dress to kill [+ na (accusative)]
  14. to be done; to be made


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Boby  od razu   poznali bo   się   zrobiłem   czerwony .

Ils se réunissaient tout de suite parce que je suis devenu rouge.
