


first-person singular present of znać

Prononcé comme (IPA)

  1. to know (to have knowledge of)
  2. to know (to have contact with a person)
  3. to know (having learned, to be able to apply, e.g. a language)
  4. to know somebody/something (to know that something exists)
  5. (obsolete) to consider as, to take for [+instrumental] or [+ za (accusative) = as what/whom]
  6. (obsolete) to realize (to become aware of)
  7. (obsolete) to know (to have knowledge of)
  8. to know each other, to know one another (to have knowledge of one another) [+ z (instrumental) = whom]
  9. to know one's way around something (to know something very well) [+ na (locative) = around what]
  10. to know one's way around someone (to be able to intuit someone's thoughts and intentions well) [+ na (locative) = around whom]
  11. (obsolete) to consider oneself as, to take oneself for [+instrumental] or [+ za (accusative) = as what/whom]
  12. (obsolete) to have sex
  13. (obsolete) to consider as one's own [+ do (genitive)], [+ ku (dative)], or [+ w (locative) = what/whom]


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Znam   różne   dziewczęta ale   nie  spotykam  ich   prawie .

Je connais diverses filles, mais je ne les rencontre pas presque.

— Szczegółów  nie   znam .

- Je ne connais pas les détails.

"Zapytaliście  mnie czy   znam   nazwisko   mordercy ."

"Tu m'as demandé si je connais le nom du meurtrier."
