


first-person singular masculine past of znaleźć

Coupé comme
♂️ Masculin
Prononcé comme (IPA)

  1. to find (to determine the location of a person or thing)
  2. to find (to acquire or invent something needed)
  3. to find (to claim pressence of or see something or someone somewhere; to come across)
  4. to find, to come across, to run into (to encounter someone in a particular state)
  5. to find, to work up (to summon up or muster i.e. courage)
  6. to find (to assess the state of something)
  7. used as a light verb with deverbal nouns or gerunds to indicate the beginning of said verb
  8. to end up somewhere (to go to a certain place or to a certain group)
  9. to find oneself somewhere (to be in some situation or state)
  10. to be found (to be acquired or thought up)
  11. to be found (after going missing, to be discovered again)


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  znalazłem   przyjaciela .

Jusqu'à ce que je trouve un ami.

—  Znalazłem   nareszcie   punkt  zaczepienia.

- J'ai finalement trouvé le point d'attachement.
