


third-person singular masculine past of rzucić

Coupé comme
♂️ Masculin
Prononcé comme (IPA)

  1. to throw; to pitch, to toss, to cast (to release (an object) with some force from one's hands, an apparatus, etc. so that it moves rapidly through the air) [+accusative] or [+instrumental = whom/what] [+ w (accusative) = at whom] [+ o (accusative) = against what]
  2. to cast (to give light or shadow) [+ na (accusative) = at/on what]
  3. to quit (to stop doing something, e.g. smoking)
  4. (colloquial) to dump (to end a relationship or end contact with)
  5. to blurt out (to utter something quickly and briefly)
  6. (colloquial) to jot down (to record on some surface) [+ na (accusative) = onto what]
  7. Used as a light verb.
  8. to speak (to utter something) [+accusative] or [+instrumental]
  9. to throw (to move something suddenly or violently) [+accusative] or [+instrumental]
  10. to shake, to jolt (to cause a sudden and unintentional movement of something) [+accusative] or [+instrumental]
  11. to send off (to direct someone someone or have them do something) [+ do (genitive) = to what]
  12. (colloquial) to put up (to make available for sale, usually in reference to little accesible goods in stores during Communist Poland) [+ do (genitive) = where]
  13. to throw (to grab with one's hands and throw to the ground)
  14. to shoot (to score a goal with a ball)
  15. to throw (to knock someone over, hit someone against something)
  16. to connect (to build, to construct something that connects two opposite points)
  17. to get, to settle (to decide about someone's place of residence or work)
  18. to shake (to cause something to move up and down)
  19. (obsolete) to throw on (to begin to wear)
  20. (obsolete) to give birth
  21. to release, to let out
  22. to throw oneself (to attack physically) [+ na (accusative) = at whom] [+ z (instrumental) = with what]
  23. to throw oneself (to move in a particular direction quickly)
  24. to throw oneself (to jump or fall somewhere aiming for a particular location)
  25. to throw oneself at (to do something with great commitment) [+ na (accusative)] or [+ do (genitive) = at what]
  26. to jolt, to shake (to move suddenly and unintentionally)
  27. to blurt out (to express one's opposition or annoyance suddenly) [+ z (instrumental) = what]
  28. to get (to cause a disease somewhere in the body) [+ na (accusative) = what]
  29. (colloquial) to up and leave (to leave suddenly)
  30. (colloquial) to snap (to react suddenly)
  31. (colloquial) to blow (to spend frivolously)
  32. (obsolete) to throw up (to vomit)
  33. to well up (to begin to shed)
  34. to speak against; to profane
  35. to appropriate (to take property)


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