


dative/locative singular of podstawa

Coupé comme
♀️ Féminin
Prononcé comme (IPA)

  1. base (that upon which something stands)
  2. base (lower part of a set of bones that make up a specific part of the skeleton)
  3. base (lowest side of a triangle or other polygon)
  4. base (lowest face of a cone, pyramid or other polyhedron laid flat)
  5. base (element without which something can't exist)
  6. base (that which may be the beginning, cause or justification of something) [+ do (genitive) = to what], [+ żeby (infitive/past tense) = to do what]
  7. base (specific amount that is the starting point for some financial calculations)
  8. basics (elementary knowledge in something)
  9. basics (assumptions that give rise to some theory, science, concept)
  10. base (that which one may place one's legs)


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Jak to  jest   ze   zdaniami , powstałymi  na podstawie  indukcji,  pytasz To   nie ma   znaczenia .

Comment est-ce avec des phrases basées sur l'induction, demandez-vous? Ce n'est pas important.

Newton  też  ułożył  swój  systemik dedukcyjnie,  chociaż  powstał  on
  niewątpliwie   na podstawie  indukcji.

Newton a également posé son système déduction, bien qu'il soit sans aucun doute basé sur l'induction.
