


  1. to judge; to try (to preside over a legal case in order to determine someone's fate in court) [+ za (accusative) = for what]
  2. to judge, to deem (to evaluate or assess someone)
  3. to think; to suppose; to presume (to hold an opinion) [+ o (locative) = about whom/what], [+ z (genitive)] or [+ po (locative) = by what]
  4. to judge (to to administer justice, to exercise judicial power)
  5. to grant; to allocate
  6. (obsolete) to judge (to assess negatively)
  7. (colloquial) to litigate (to go to law) [+ z (instrumental) = with whom], [+ o (accusative) = over/for what]
  8. (obsolete) to be judged (to be evaluated or assessed)
  9. (obsolete) to be held; to take place
  10. (obsolete) to judge oneself (to consider oneself, to deem oneself)

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