


third-person singular neuter past of iść

Prononcé comme (IPA)

  1. to go; to walk
  2. to go, to attend [+ do (genitive)] or [+ na (accusative) = what]
  3. to go after, to follow (to imitate in one's actions or thoughts)
  4. to go, to move
  5. to go (to move from sender to receiver)
  6. to go; to spread
  7. to go, to lead (to connect two points in space)
  8. to go; to be published; to be shown
  9. to go (to take place in particular manner)
  10. (colloquial) to come along (to not cause difficulties for someone) [+dative = for whom]
  11. to run (to operate as normal)
  12. (colloquial) to go to (to be for a particular goal) [+ na (accusative) = to what]
  13. to go; to be taken (to take place in a particular order)
  14. to count, to number in (to measure a certain amount) [+ w (accusative) = in the what]
  15. to go for (to decide on something in a given situation) [+ na (accusative) = for what]
  16. (colloquial) to sell like hot cakes
  17. to mean, to be on about; to have in mind [+dative = who, i.e. the subject of the English sentence] [+ o (accusative) = (about) who or what/what in mind]
  18. to go, to leave


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" Im   dalej   szło , tem  prędzej   galopował   mój   ogier ."

"Plus c'était de plus, plus tôt mon étalon aurait galopant."

Korytarze     puste kroki  rezonują,  jakby   szło  dziesięciu łudzi.

Les couloirs sont vides, ils résonnent les étapes comme si elle allait à dix.
