


third-person singular masculine past of oddać

Coupé comme
♂️ Masculin
Prononcé comme (IPA)

  1. to give back, to return (to give to the original owner) [+dative = to whom]
  2. to give, to send, to put (to cause a given thing to go to a certain place to have something done to it) [+ do (genitive) = to whom/where], [+ na (accusative) = for what]
  3. to give, to pass (to give someone something designated to them) [+dative = to whom]
  4. to send (to put a person or animal somewhere so that they may perform particular, usually regular, activities there) [+ na (accusative) = to/for what]
  5. to submit; to put; to place (to cause someone to be the subject of some activity, i.e. under someone's care) [+ pod (accusative)], [+ w (accusative) = what activity]
  6. to give away; to offer (to give to someone) [+dative = to whom] [+ na (accusative)], [+ pod (accusative)], or [+ do (genitive) = to what]
  7. to open; to give (upon finishing constructoin, to allow people to use i.e. a building)
  8. to pass; to give (to release from the body)
  9. to give away (to cease to be the owner or controller of, i.e. power)
  10. to donate; to give (to send one's bodily fluids, etc., to be tested medically) [+dative = to whom] [+ do (genitive) = to what]
  11. used as a light verb; to give off
  12. to pay (to show one's respect or positive emotions towards, i.e. homage or tribute) [+dative = to whom]
  13. to reflect, to mirror; to convey, to portray, to capture (to present something accurately)
  14. to give away (to allow the opponent to win)
  15. to return, to give back, to reciprocate (to perform the same gesture as someone else) [+dative = to whom]
  16. to return, to give back, to reciprocate (to perform the proper gesture or action)
  17. to give away; to send back (to play a card for which one does not earn points or for which one's opponent earns points)
  18. to give; to sell (to transfer ownership for money)
  19. (obsolete) to break off; to separate
  20. (obsolete) to pick up, to receive
  21. to get back, to get even; to avenge (to get revenge)
  22. to give away (to give as a spouse)
  23. to allocate, to earmark, to dedicate (to specify or set aside for a particular purpose)
  24. to pass along; to repeat (to say someone else's words)
  25. to reply, to answer
  26. to give credit, to assign responsibility
  27. to offer, to sacrifice
  28. to fulfil, to deliver, to meet
  29. to give oneself away (to allow external forces to decide one's fate) [+ w (accusative)] or [+ pod (accusative) = to whom/what]
  30. to dedicate oneself, to devote oneself (to focus all of one's energy on something) [+dative = to what]
  31. to give oneself (to allow oneself to have a sexual relation with) [+dative = to whom]
  32. (obsolete) to give oneself away (to marry)
  33. to be given away; to be entrusted
  34. to give oneself
  35. to be given back, to be returned
  36. to be reflected, to be mirrored; to be conveyed, to be portrayed, to be captureed


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" Medyk  uczuł  wyrzut  sumienia,  że   tych   książek   dotychczas   nie   oddał ."

"Le médecin a ressenti des remords qu'il n'a pas donné ces livres jusqu'à présent."
