


  1. (colloquial) woman, crone, hag (female person)
  2. (colloquial) wife, girlfriend (female romantic partner)
  3. village woman (woman from the village)
  4. grandmother
  5. village seller (woman who sells things from the village)
  6. pansy, big girl's blouse (male of weak or cowardly character)
  7. babka (type of cake)
  8. ram (hydraulic hammer)
  9. (obsolete) witch; spellcaster
  10. (obsolete) female beggar (woman who begs)
  11. (obsolete) midwife
  12. (obsolete) large sheaf of strangely decorated grain tied at the end of a harvest
  13. (obsolete) thick, round part attached to a screw next to a stool of a spinning wheel
  14. (obsolete) bunch of rags placed on a stick to block the lower outlet of a chimney above a fireplace
  15. (obsolete) wooden block carved in the shape of a human head given to new rafters to kiss by rafters who are helping the new rafters with the rafting for the first time
  16. (obsolete) narrow barrel with a pole through it, used for winding a seine line while fishing
  17. (obsolete) starting peg (peg that starts a game of croquet)
  18. (obsolete) oak block with a handle used for tamping when laying stones, spreading gravel on road surfaces, etc.
  19. (obsolete) leather pillow for applying paint in manual printing of canvases
  20. (obsolete) female hireling; female worker
  21. (obsolete) female pimp
  22. (obsolete) snowwoman
  23. (obsolete) bogie (booger)
  24. (obsolete) bundle of hay used as a blockade for dangerous passages
  25. (obsolete) rag on a stick or pole for sweeping
  26. (obsolete) wooden mold for ironing clothes
  27. (obsolete) boathook
  28. (obsolete) knot on a mast twist that raftsmen can't undo
  29. (obsolete) Eurasian jay (Garrulus glandarius)
  30. (obsolete) type of wild duck
  31. (obsolete) leather ball
  32. (obsolete) pelican (seabird of the family Pelecanidae)
  33. (obsolete) any of various freshwater sculpins of the genus Cottus
  34. (obsolete) tuna (fish of the genus Thunnus)
  35. female mourner, griever (woman who cries over someone's death at a funeral)
  36. whipping block
  37. common pear, (Pyrus communis)
  38. cannon; gun
  39. queen
  40. quack; herbalist (woman who heals with herbs, especially incompetently)

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