


  1. to want (to wish for or desire) [+accusative] or [+genitive = something] [+infinitive = to do something]
  2. used in polite commands; to want [+ żeby (past tense)], [+ aby (past tense)], or [+ by (past tense) = to do what]
  3. to be able to, can
  4. to feel like, to want (to have a desire for something, or to do something) [+infinitive]
  5. used to indicate when someone is experiencing a specific condition of their body that is associated with an action indicated by the subordinate verb; to want [+infinitive]

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Chcieć   i
  nie   móc   albo   nie   chcieć   i
  musieć albo   jedno   i
  drugie .

Veulent et ne pas être en mesure de vouloir ou de ne pas vouloir ou les deux ou les deux.
