


Coupé comme
Prononcé comme (IPA)


  1. to peel (fruits, vegetables)
  2. to skin (an animal)
  3. to shell (nuts, shellfish)
  4. to unwrap
  5. to pluck (a bird)
  6. to cut the hair of
  7. to spread negative gossip, run down, criticise somebody
  8. to exfoliate
  9. (colloquial) to steal
  10. (colloquial) to fleece
  11. (colloquial) to notice someone, to pay attention to someone
  12. to matter
  13. to have one's hair cut
  14. to lose one's hair, to go bald
  15. to peel (of skin, from the sun, etc.)
  16. to fray (rope, wire)
  17. to strip (to remove the insulation from a wire/cable)
  18. (Chile) to steal
  19. (Chile) to flirt
  20. (Chile) to make out with a stranger at a social event


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Suele   confundirse   con   un
  Chihuahua   sin   pelo .

Il est généralement confondu avec un chihuahua sans poils.
