


simple past and past participle of replace

Prononcé comme (IPA)


  1. To restore to a former place, position, condition, etc.; to put back.
  2. To refund; to repay; to pay back.
  3. To supply or substitute an equivalent for.
  4. To take over the position or role from.
  5. To take the place of; to be used instead of.
  6. To demolish (a building) and build an updated form of that building in its place.
  7. To place again.
  8. To put in a new or different place.


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Snowy   Shaw   replaced   him   as   touring   drummer .

Snowy Shaw l'a remplacé en tant que batteur en tournée.

Transistors   have   replaced   relays   in   many   scopes   of   application   since   their   invention .

Les transistors ont remplacé les relais dans de nombreuses portées d'application depuis leur invention.
