


  1. A group sharing common characteristics, such as the same language, law, religion, or tradition.
  2. A residential or religious collective; a commune.
  3. A group of interdependent organisms inhabiting the same region and interacting with each other.
  4. A group of people interacting by electronic means for educational, professional, social, or other purposes; a virtual community.
  5. The condition of having certain attitudes and interests in common.
  6. (obsolete) Common enjoyment or possession; participation.
  7. (obsolete) Common character; likeness.
  8. (obsolete) Commonness; frequency.
  9. A local area within a county or county borough which is the lowest tier of local government, usually represented by a community council or town council, which is generally equivalent to a civil parish in England.

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Colotenango  is   traditionally   a
  Maya   community   whose   residents   speak
  the   Mayan   Mam   language .

Colotenango est traditionnellement une communauté maya dont les résidents parlent la langue Mayan Mam.

Polk   Township   residents   may   also   use   the   Western  Pocono  Community   Library   situated   in  Brodheadsville.

Les résidents du canton de Polk peuvent également utiliser la Western Pocono Community Library située à Brodheadsville.
