

  1. inflection of verlustreich: ## strong/mixed nominative/accusative feminine singular ## strong nominative/accusative plural ## weak nominative all-gender singular ## weak accusative feminine/neuter singular
  2. inflection of verlustreich: ## strong/mixed nominative/accusative feminine singular ## strong nominative/accusative plural ## weak nominative all-gender singular ## weak accusative feminine/neuter singular
  3. inflection of verlustreich: ## strong/mixed nominative/accusative feminine singular ## strong nominative/accusative plural ## weak nominative all-gender singular ## weak accusative feminine/neuter singular
  4. inflection of verlustreich: ## strong/mixed nominative/accusative feminine singular ## strong nominative/accusative plural ## weak nominative all-gender singular ## weak accusative feminine/neuter singular


lost (relating to financial or military loss)


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Die   verlustreiche   Schlacht   endete   unentschieden beide   Seiten  reklamierten  den   Sieg   für   sich .

La bataille perdue s'est terminée par un match nul, les deux parties ont revendiqué la victoire.
